For those of you who may be interested, I have posted my Book of Shadows online through 4shared. Feel free to download it. It is free and I offer it as a gift to anyone who has been reading my blog and has been interested in the workings of a Christian walking the path of Witchcraft.
It is an Adobe document, so is you don't already have it, download one. It too is free.
Thanks to all who have been so supportive to me and Brightest Blessings Be.
It is an Adobe document, so is you don't already have it, download one. It too is free.
Thanks to all who have been so supportive to me and Brightest Blessings Be.
Oh how wonderful, I am so excited to be able to receive all your wisdom in your BOS , I am so thankful for this gift you have given to us!Thank you and may Godde bless you and heal you and keep you in his shadow.
Aslin I have a personal question to ask you, during this time of trial and ill health that you have been going through, has Witch craft been of any help to you now? has it pulled you through all of your trials as of late, or have you just depended on the Christain aspects of your path? I guess I just want to know when all the cards were dealt to you during this time you have been in hospital, what aspect of your path has been the best blessing?
Did witchcraft sustain you did it meet your expectations? Or has it disappointed you?
My prayers of health and love and light are continual for you, your picture is on my altar so that I can lift you up in prayer as often as I can, is there a particular candle color you would like so I can place it on the altar?
again thank you for your wisdom and love and light that you have shared on your blog!
blessed be
Dear Owlthena,
Yes, the Craft did sustain me, but in the most unusual ways. When I was feeling my very worst or I was undergoing some painful proceedure, I went through my store of knowledge, remembering as many herbs as I could and what their mundane and magikal purposes were or the properties of the apache tear stone or reminding myself of the wheel of the year.
Meditation, too, was good. Um, as you well know, meditation is quite different for a witch than any other sort of meditative discipline. In it we can access the wonders of the other world, the world of magik and the world of the spirits, not just of those who have gone before us, or those who have yet to come, but the spirits of the elements, the four corners and even the Spirit of God.
And even though there were times that I did dispair, it was like the energies I had built up in my physical self, after years of study and Crafting were keeping me going. And though I have to work hard now to build up those magikal batteries (for lack of a better word) and begin my full time practice again, I feel hopeful that I will be back to doing what I do: Spelling and divining and writing more spells and essays and going back to work on my Christian witch blog and my Almanac. Getting back to my studies and teaching others.
I suppose this was why I posted my BOS on line, so others would have access to it and it would be an act of faith that I would get better and do more with my practice and help people understand the dual path I follow.
I hope you enjoy the BOS and I hope others find it and can read it and understand the walk of faith for the Christian Witch.
Thank you so much for your words of support and your love.
And my favorite color is amethyst, the color of protection, healing and magik.
Brightest blessings be
Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift.
I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your support
I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago and think it's wonderful. I was sorry to learn you were so ill, and I'll keep you in my prayers! Anyway, I downloaded your BOS and just wanted to thank you for posting it. I'm looking forward to reading and learning from it. By the way, I've always been drawn to and fascinated with witchcraft, but didn't know what to do with my Christian beliefs since I couldn't give those up. I didn't realize there was a way to make the two compatible until I read your blog, so I really appreciate your posts.
Thanks again,
Dear Aslinn,
I have just found your blog and have read a couple of your posts (the one on the Passion of Christ was particularly moving) It is so good to hear the words of another Christian Witch. It is soothing to my soul to see my Lord depicted the way you do, and for this, I am enormously grateful. Thank you for your book of shadows. I will look through it with great interest and ceremony. I will be publishing a book on Christian Witchcraft in July with Llewellyn press. From the little that I read so far on your blog, we seem to have similar philosophies. I humbly hope that my book will reach others the way your posts have just touched me. Brightest blessings of health and peace. You are an inspiration.
Dear Aslinn,
I have just found your blog and have read a couple of your posts (the one on the Passion of Christ was particularly moving) It is so good to hear the words of another Christian Witch. It is soothing to my soul to see my Lord depicted the way you do, and for this, I am enormously grateful. Thank you for your book of shadows. I will look through it with great interest and ceremony. I will be publishing a book on Christian Witchcraft in July with Llewellyn press. From the little that I read so far on your blog, we seem to have similar philosophies. I humbly hope that my book will reach others the way your posts have just touched me. Brightest blessings of health and peace. You are an inspiration.
Just found this blog. I would love to access your book but the link is no longer valid. Is it still available?
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