Merry Meet!
I never thought of myself as a strong seer. I learned to tell fortunes with playing cards and that is the form I feel the most comfortable with, but one of the skills I always wanted to develop was crystal gazing.
Now crystal gazing can take many forms. And you don't need a ball to do it. I have a crystal ball but I also use a clear water glass with plain water in it and a black gazing bowl with water in it. When I first began to gaze, I thought that you would see things in the ball, like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, and sometimes, you do see pictures but what I get are emotional impresions and a sort of vibration, like I am using the crystal to tune in a radio station. But I didn't know that the ball could be used as a psychic link, and I gave it up until my Old Goat advised that I try again. This is one of the advantages of working with a small group or circle of Crafters, they can help you when you give up on a skill you don't feel particularly adept with.
Crystal gazing is a form of deep meditation, using the ball as a focal point. It is best if you do this in dim light, in a comfortable position, when you are relaxed and in an even frame of mind. As you gaze at the ball, open yourself up to images and sounds and feelings that might be traveling through your ball. Be patient, it may take you a long time. If something or someone pops up in your meditation but does not appear in the ball, keep focusing on your ball. You are receiving the psychi transmission in your mind rather than on the ball. You are reading the Crystal ball. Write down your impression or use a recorder and describe your impression and record it in a crystal gazing diary or on a page in your BOS.
Dream interpretation is the least problematic for Christian witches. What I recommend those who get into dream counseling and interpretation is to collect oracles from many cultures and collect books of symbology so tha you can delve into the significance of prophetic details in dreams. Avoid dreams after a rich or heavy meal and repetitive dreams, they indicate some level of psychological disturbance which must be handled by a psychotherapist. Also, keep your personal dream diary. And remember what we are told, that young men will dream dreams and old men will see visions. This includes the Christian Wicce.
Brightest Blessings Be
Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk