Monday, November 06, 2006

Celebrations in November

Merry Meet!

Though there is no Wiccan counterpart to the Sabats I celebrate in November, I do like to appoint a day about mid month when I do a cerimony or two to celebrate a couple of things that are important in my life. On that special sabat, I take time to remember the warriors, Wicce or not, who are serving our country here or abroad, particularly during this time of war. I don't like the thought of men and women in harm's way, particularly for this war, which is so unneccesary, but I do like to honor them and celebrate their warrior ways and their bravery and I like to celebrate those who have died in all of the wars for whether we like it or not, it was for us they died so that we could be free in America and over the years, freedom has come to mean so much us, particularly those of us in the Craft.

I also take time to thank God for all he has given to me. This can work for my Pagan and Wiccan friends, too, they can just thank their goddess or god of their choice. For this celebration, I set up my family shield. This is just a little something that I put together and made of posterboard cut into the shape of a shield and I glued pictures of my family, living and dead, symbols of our family, like shamrocks or feathers or bits and pieces that are important to me. I also display a cornucopia, celebrating the wealth which has been bestowed on me and my family. I set out orange and red and green and yellow candles to represent the passing or the seasons and wealth and I make lists of those I wish to honor, my accomplishments and things I have managed to do, and my goals and dreams. I have cakes and ale and I intone protections for my friends and family, especially if they travel and I intone blessings for the soldiers, living and dead and those who are at war for their protection. I play happy music, usually celtic or Native American and I thank God for all I have. It isn't an official Sabat from the wheel of the year, but it suits me and I invite everyone to do their own thanks for giving sabat.

Bright Blessings Be

Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk