Merry Meet,
The next three books I am going to suggest are books written by two fathers of the witchcraft movement. Gerald Gardner was a sociologist who studied Eastern culture and philosophy and in his later years came home to England, after World War II and discovered that the witch ways were not entirely gone. He became a noted writer and scholar of the Craft after 1951 when Great Britain repealed its ancient witchcraft laws and acknnowledged that the Craft can be a legitimate practice. The second one of the fathers is of the American witchcraft movement named Scott Cunningham. He has written over fifty books and he covers everything from divinations and crystals to herbology and potions and practices.
The first book I want to profile is The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner. In it he gives a serious but generous discussion of witchcraft as religion and practice. If you are a Christian Wicce you will have to bear with patience some of the remarks he makes about Christians and magik, but there are truths that Christian Practitioners must accept and that is like all conquering cultures, Christianity subborned the native practices of conquered people and demonized them. To many pratitioners of the Craft and followers of Wicca, Christians practicing the Craft are interloping in the ancient practices of pagan people. It is a sad division, just as all divisions are among faith communities are but all of us can come to some level of understanding. But, back to Gardner. Gardner also shatters some myths and misconceptions that non-magikal folk have about the Craft. Very well written and insightful book. Published by Weiser Books and costs $20.
The next two books are by Scott Cunningham. The Truth About Witchcraft Today is a really well written book that works on the same level as Gardner's book but takes a gentler stance. He gives you a basic history, modern challenges of the practicing witch, the religion of Wicca and basic ritual forms. Very good book for the older teen interested in the Craft and discusses some of the social and religious questions about Craft practices and how to judge the safety of a group or coven. Llewllyn Books $5.00
The second book is written expressly for the solitary witch, as many of us are, whether we are Christian or Pagan or Wiccan. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner discusses all the characteristics for ritual and dedications and it has a very good basic Book of Shadows and a guide to help you write your own spells and rituals. It also has a basic herbal guide and glossary of terms and index for further research. Llewellyn Books $10 and a very good value for your money!
I hope these reading suggestions are helpful. Until next time,
Blessings Be
Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk