Well, you know the old saying "When it rains it fucking pours" (or something like that). Well, my doctors came in and closed the Pella blinds. The cute doctor that sounds like Stephen Moyer came and sat on the end of the bed to let me know it looks like the bone marrow is dying. I've been placed on the bone marrow list as a top priority.
I sat there and I just couldn't believe it. I had slept late today and drank most of my ensure milkshake and watched Empathy on line and wrote some on the forum about Alex Skarsgard maybe getting the nod to play Thor (he plays Eric on TB) and wrote for a while in my journal when the doctors came in. Dr. McWilliams, my oncologist and Dr. Havers (the Brit) held my hands (something they have never done) and told me that I had the fight of my life ahead of me.
They say it is fairly rare and I am going to be sick for a long while or until my blood marrow can be rematched. So, because I have no immune system to speak of, I will be kept in even stricter isolation, put on broad spectrum anitbiotics and be placed on the stem cell research list in case there is a chance stem cell theraphy can be of any use. God Bless Barack Obama.
Okay God, can I quit now?
I do not know what to day. I am so sorry that you are facing another complication. I can't even imagine how you must feel.
May the Divine grace you with peace and healing and may things turn around for you soon.
I feel okay, just a little down. I am just really tired of being sick.
Gabriel, Master of the Wind, Angel of the West, Aid to the Intuitive, Hear Me!
I thank You for assisting and aiding Aslinn so that she is ready to be healed. Begin this healing and show her ways to allow it to continue.
Michael, Bringer of Fire, Angel of the South, Aid to the Defenseless, Hear Me!
thank You for burning away the things which will block healing from Ashlin. Help her to grow beyond this sickness and disease, emotional and physical pain, to the whole being that Aslinn is meant to be.
Raphael, Bearer of Water, Angel of the East, Aid to the Seeker, Hear Me!
thank You for holding the healing in Yourself, and for the gifts of healing that you give. Help Aslinn to find the medicine within herself as well as that which is outside of her. Bring to her all that is necessary for her healing , growth, and her well being and wholeness.
Uriel, Servant of the Earth, Angel of the North, Aid to Healers, Hear Me! thank you that you are giving Aslinn the wisdom she needs for the healing within,give her the gifts of the Beauty and wholeness that she needs right now and place them all around her. Clean out all of the things within her body, mind, and spirit which keep her from healing.
Father/Mother God, thank You for giving Aslinn hope during this healing process, give her many signs of your love that you have for her because in these dark times it is so easy not to see your light so please shine ever so brightly so she will know that you are truly within her and will never leave her or forsake her.
Holy Spirit of God, thank You for the strength that Aslinn needs to go through the healing process.Reveal to her, all that she will need in the coming days, and provide her with all the gifts of your precious Spirit that she is in need of right now and in her furture.
Spirit of Christ Within, thank You for giving her all that she needs that will lead her to receive all the healing that she is in need of .
I call upon Aslinn's guardian angel to be with her now, and bring to her all the help, medicine, healers, physicans and caring folk in her time of need.Surround her with love and light and I with deep gratitude,
Thank you in Jesus name .
Blessed be Aslinn!
I have took the liberty of printing off a picture of you from your blog to place on my altar so that I can keep you always before Our Lord for your safe keeping and healing.
blessed be,
a friend.
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