Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy Dedication Day Tanith

Merry Meet!

Listen Brothers and Sisters of the Craft. We have a new Sister in the way of the wise. Welcome her to our circle.

A poem for your dedication

Welcome thou Maiden of the Moon

The Night Orb rises high

Casting upon us the light of Magikal Benediction

For on this night, a sister comes

And adds to the tribe of the Children of God

Who raises energies, speaks to the trees,

And knows the wisdom of the ancients.

Born again soul, sister to the Christ

Daughter of the Maiden of the Moon

Witch and Christian, I charge thee:

Serve God, serve Jesus and his mother

In what image you find her

Learn the way of the wise

Know the ways of Mother Earth

Of her seasons, the elements, and all living creatures

You are a priestess, seer, healer and warrioress

It is your heritage and your birthright

Keep the Laws of God and the Witches Rede

And your own will and the goodness of your heart

Welcome Sister into the circle

Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again

And Brightest Blessings Be

Happy dedication day Tanith Luna Crevan

You may now consider yourself a named witch of the first degree

Brightest Blessings Be,
Aslinn and Gaelyn

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