Merry Meet!
As a Christian Witch, I use the heavenly energies that come from the blessed angels of heaven. God placed us in the protection of the angels just as he placed people in the Bible under their care. People like Job, Jesus, Joseph and Mary, Lot and Abraham.
During many of my protective spells and rituals, I call upon the four archangels. Michael, the guardian of the south, and help of soldiers and police officers and firemen. Uriel, the guardian of the north and help of doctors and healers and herbalists and pharmacists. There is Gabriel, the guardian of the east and the help of speakers and communicators and teachers and lawyers and all those who seek peaceful justice. And Raphael, the guardian of the west and the aid of mystics and seers and philosophers. They create a heavenly shield around me and sanctify my sacred space and hear my spells and send me the help I need.
I also call upon the guardian angels. Since so many of us do not know the name of our guardian angels, I simply call out to the guardian of _____and name the person for whom I am working. Padre Pio, who is a saint and served God with humility and the pain of the stigmata, wrote that often if he needed to speak to someone there in the monastery or even in the town, he would speak to his guardian angel and tell this angel to speak to the guardian angel of the person with whom he wanted to speak. That person would feel an overwhelming desire to see Padre Pio. It was from him that I got the notion of inter-angel communication.
So, if you have never worked with angels (and for my Pagan and Wiccan friends, you may call upon angels or devas or djinn or faerie folk) give these sweet servants a try. You will find a lot of comfort and help from them.
Brightest Blessings Be,
Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk
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