Another Samhain is coming and I am loving the coming Witches New Year...I simply love this Sabbat the most. It is time for us to remember those who have gone before us and a time to reflect on the old year and welcome a new year.
Things I Would Love to Accomplish this Year:
1. Get my new house painted on the inside and get moved in if the landlord will just move it along....
2. Get ready for my trip to Sweden and England to see my future inlaws....
3. Have a really great holiday season with my inlaws here in the states...
4. Love my boy more this year than I have ever...which isn't hard
5. Continue having good health...Which I have enjoyed for some months now...
6. Continue my work with my True Blood Fansite and finally get the adventure I have been writing finished.....
7. Be a better person to my fellow man....
8. Enjoy my life with little or no drama....
9. Stop and smell the roses....
10. Thank God for all He has given me...
What are your hopes for the New Year?