Thank you so much for all of your support and concern, and now I am ready to go back to work on my blog.
So, to begin writing again on my blog, I will write about following your path.
Because, in a way, I have been on the path but stuck along side of the road broke down, with my hood up so to speak. Now I am well enough to put my feet back on it and I rejoice.
So, something that I have been experiencing is meeting people who are just now putting their feet on the path to the Craft. As we all know, not all stay with us, but there is something exhilarating about being on the path. It is intoxicating and suddenly the world becomes brighter.
I remember my beginnings on the path, the rush to buy books and to study and know more and more. The feeling that...Wow...there is more to this than just waving a wand and muttering a few words. It is about finding the magik in yourself, that you have had all along and learning how to use it.
I hope that everyone goes on a path. And not just a path to magik, but a path to self. We are amazing creatures, humans, full of passion and joys and terrors. I think it is sad that so many of us do not go inside ourselves and explore our own human potential. We lose so much.