Merry Meet!
Ah spring in all her glory gowning mother earth in her billion shades of green. The coming of the season of planting flowers and herbs and vegetables. It is also the time to celebrate the feminine in the earth, being our Mother Earth, our birth Mother, important women in our lives, or Mary the mother of Jesus or any female goddess that is a part of your spiritual or magikal tradition.
I never paid much mind to the spring before I bacme involved with Craft in my life. Now I mark my calender for full moons, for planting times, for harvest times and for the celebrations. I now bless the coming of warmer days and nights, where I can sit in the sun during the day and sit in the gazebo during the night and watch the night things creep and listen for frogs and crickets and just be a part of the night in the warm temperatures that I can't truly be in the winter time.
But particularly for me, May first is the day I crown the Blessed Virgin with her crown of flowers and contemplate her gentleness and her compassion for all of us. I think that I shall write more outside this summer so I can quietly libate my Mothers, Mary and Earth and thank them for the love and tenderness they give me now and in the time when I go back to the both of them in my death.
Thank your sacred spirit for the mothers in your life,
Bright Blessing Be,
Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk